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Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan


Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan or Xiangsha Yangwei Wan is a well-known ancient Chinese medicine used in China for thousands of years. The prescription of Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan is mentioned for the first time in the medical treatise "Shoushibaoyuan", considered one of the first medical reference books. It was compiled during the Ming dynasty.

Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan Pharmacological action: effectively regulates gastric secretion, while activating the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan helps prevent gastric mucosal edema and any manifestations of gastric bleeding, as well as blood stasis. In China, the Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan is known for its antibacterial properties and as an effective Chinese medicine for activating the function of the gallbladder.

Action according to traditional Chinese medicine: the doctors used Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan to eliminate the painful symptoms in the stomach and spleen helping to move the energy of Qi, thereby contributing to recovery. Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan warms the stomach and spleen. It is effective for any violations of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as such symptoms as "cold" or "moisture" in the stomach.

Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan Indications for use: it eliminates any symptoms of digestive disorders and violations of the motor function of the stomach, including such symptoms as upset stomach, rumbling, diarrhea, or eructation with vomiting. It helps to overcome the reluctance to eat and drink. Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan is effective against the feeling of stiffness in the chest.

Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan is effective in the following diseases:
chronic hepatitis;
chronic gastritis;
neurosis of the stomach;
postoperative conditions;
peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Xiang Sha Yang Wei WanIngredients: Mandarin bark, rhizome root round, Chinese date fruit, present cardamom fruits, ginger root, leaves of wrinkled lofthundus, coconut porphyria root, burdock root, fruit of ponzirus, rhizome of atratylodessa.

Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan Precautions: it is important not to consume raw, fatty or cold food in parallel with taking the drug.

Xiangsha Yangwei Wan Contraindications: pregnancy or breast feeding, as well as individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug. Before taking it is better to consult with a specialist.

Dosage: 1 sachet (9g) at a time, 2 times a day.
The recommended course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
Contains 6 sachets.

Manufacturer: Shanxi Wanglong Pharmaceutical Co.

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