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Yunnan Baiyao Plaster


The patch Yunnan Baiyao Plaster activates blood circulation, resolves hematomas, reduces tumors, relieves pain and has anti-rheumatic action.
Used for injuries, stagnation of blood, bile, rheumatic pain.

Yunnan Baiyao Plaster Effect:
activates blood circulation, resolves hematomas, antineoplastic, analgesic, antirheumatic.
Yunnan Baiyao Plaster Indications for use:
rheumatic pains, muscle pain, bruises and abrasions obtained from falls,
bruises and bruises, stagnation of blood and bile.

Yunnan Baiyao Plaster Ingredients: secret recipe based on: sanzi, nippon dioscorea, myrrh, dragon blood, alcohol, etc.
Yunnan Baiyao Plaster Use of application:
externally, apply to a sore spot, before applying the patch, wash and wipe the dry area, the time of application 1 patch is not less than 12 hours.
Contains 5 plasters.

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  • Manufactured by: Yunnan Baiyao Group

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